Read With Me

book and flower

I love to read. I am a little obsessive about it. In fact it is not unusual for me to be reading several books going at one time. It blows my mind knowing there are so many people out there who either do not read or do not like to read. All I have to say about this is that you are missing a great opportunity. To any of you I say try it you might like it.

I started writing a blog because so many people would ask me if I had read anything good lately. I thought since I love to read I wanted to share my book choices. Originally I was the fiction queen but I have since branched out. I am trying to read more non-fiction and I have started to read cookbooks. Long story, you will have to read my posts to understand why. In addition to books I often read articles from newspapers and magazines that I like to share.

Recently I have discovered the wonderful world of audio books. Many of you , I am sure, have been listening to audio books for ages. I am a late bloomer. I started listening to audio books because I drive a lot . It use to bother me that I had all these hours in the car that, in my opinion, were wasted. Sure there is talk radio and music channels but that only keeps my interest for a short while. That’s when I gave audio books a try. Now I always listen to at least one audio book per week which I feel is a much better use of my time.

Many of you have read my blog and I want to thank you for following me. I decided to move my blog here because it gives me more flexibility.The most recent post will show up on the right side of the page, but I have also categorized books to make it easier for you to go to the type of book you might enjoy. I am hoping that this website makes it easier for you to make comments and suggest books that you have enjoyed. After all I am always looking for a good book! So if you are one of the people who has been reading my original blog thanks for coming over. If you have never read my blog, Welcome!


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